The first rounds of the Battle of the Books were held on May 11th and May 12th. Eighteen 4th grade teams and twelve 5th grade teams competed to see who knew the most about the 25 books they have been reading since November. The totals have been calculated and the winning teams are:
The Awesome Readers, The Reading Knockouts, The Golden Girls, The Reading Warriors, The Book Dreamers, Girl Survivors and The Apple Blossoms. These teams will now move on to the final round, which will be held the first week in June. Good luck to all of the teams!!! I am so proud of all of the players for their hard work over the past five months. Please post your comments about the competition!!! I would love to read how you think it went. I was so happy to see so many children excited about reading. Watching you work together in your teams was wonderful. I know many of you are disappointed that you are not moving on to the final round. You should be glad that you got to read some really good books and experienced being part of a competition.