Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Welcome to the PS 87 Media Center Blog and the 2014-2015 School Year!!!!!  This Media Center  Blog  is a place where students, parents, teachers  and administrators,  who love reading and talking about  books, can visit. Here they can discuss their favorite books, new arrivals, award winning books and all of the new movies coming to the big screen based on classic children's stories. You are all invited to comment on a post to share your thoughts, ask questions, or discuss a children's book or movie. If you are shy,  you can just  read what others are talking about. Also, you can check in often to see what is going on  here in the Media Center. I am looking forward to hearing from all of you!!


.....Attention all Summer 2014 Reading Club Members.....

Any student who participated  this summer in the Summer Reading Program, by reading and logging in books during July and August, please return your logs to school as soon as possible!!  You all will be invited to celebrate your reading achievement by attending our 9th Annual Summer Reading Spectacular!!! Certificates, prizes and other special treats will be provided.  If you lost your log, just write out the titles on loose leaf paper and have  your parents sign it. Or, you can just see me for another log.  I hope this year has the largest number of participants!!!!!!    Check back at the end of the month to see the pictures from our celebration.