If you would like to comment on any of the posts that are on this blog, here are the steps to follow:
1. Read the posts and decide which ones you would like to respond to. You may slide down to the bottom of the page and click on the word older to read previous postings.
2. Look below the post you have chosen and click on the word comment.
3. A comment box will open up for you to type into. Please leave your comments or questions in the box.
4. Under Identity, please only select Name/URL. A name box will open. If you are a student use only your first name and class and if you are a parent, please use your last name , child's first name and his/her class.
Ex: Mr. Jones- Bob's Dad from 2-203 (parent) or Bob 2-203 (student)
5. Click the box that says ,"I am not a robot"
6. Click on the Publish button.
7. Check back at a later date to see if your comment was posted. All comments will first go to my mailbox for approval. Once it is approved, it will appear on the blog.