Tuesday, January 4, 2011


If anyone is interested in starting a School of Fear book club , please blog here!!!


Mrs. Wasserman said...

Hello, if you would like to be part of a book club, but do not have School of Fear, you can make a suggestion here for a different book.

Sharon F. 5-502 said...

I would like to start a book club for the book,"Sheep."I've always been waiting for an opportunity to do something like this! =D

Mrs. Wasserman said...

Hi Sharon, I have never heard of that book. Could you bring me your copy so that I could see it? Thanks for the suggestion.

Sharon F. 5-502 said...

It was in the book fair,Mrs.Wasserman.You know,the book by Valerie Hobbs.But if you still can't remember the book,I'd be more than happy to bring it in.

Sharon F. 5-502 said...

So,Mrs.Wasserman,are you still waiting for more people who want to start book clubs or did you just forget? Im still waiting.

Mrs. Wasserman said...

Well Sharon, no one else has expressed an interest. See who you can recruit and let me know.

Alicia v. said...

i would do a book club for the book mcduffs wild romp.its a interseting and funny story

Mrs. Wasserman said...

Hi Alicia, I will try to check out that book over the summer. We would have to pick a book that would be available to everyone. Maybe we could pick one from the book fair this fall, have people read it over the Christmas break and start the club in January??