Thursday, May 12, 2016


HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY BEVERLY CLEARY!!!!  WE LOVE YOU! How many Beverly Clearly books have you read? 
Which of her books is your favorite? Who is your favorite character?? Add a comment to this post and let us know what you are thinking.

1 comment:

Mrs. Wasserman said...

My favorite Beverly Cleary book of all time is "Dear Mr. Henshaw". I liked it because the main character, Leigh Botts was going through a hard time after his parents' divorce. To make things worse, his teacher made him write to an author and ask him 10 questions( stupid questions, according to Leigh) . While answering the questions, through letters back and forth, the author was able to make a connection with Leigh and was able to help him through his difficult time. If you get the chance to read this book, share your opinions and thoughts below. Looking forward to hearing from you!!!!